Friday, February 24, 2012

Reddy said the pharmaceutical companies

Science and health journalist, BBC News

time of day can be an important factor in the risk of infection, according to researchers in the U.S.. They showed how proteins in the immune system is affected by changes in body chemistry during the day. The findings, published in the journal Immunity, showed the time of infection changed its severity. The expert said the drugs most likely to use biological clock lasix 40 mg in the near future. Plants, animals and even bacteria are daily 24-hour regular, known as circadian rhythm.immune system wiki Jet lag is what happens when the body gets out of sync with his surroundings when crossing time zones. It was known that there are differences in the immune system during the day. Researchers are now folding in detail. The immune system must detect the infection before it can start fighting it out. Researchers from Yale University of Medicine were investigating one of the proteins involved in the process of discovery - Toll-like receptor nine (TLR9), which can detect DNA of bacteria and viruses. In experiments on mice, scientists showed that the number of TLR9 and, as it functions under the control of the biological clock and change throughout the day. Immunising mice at the peak activity of TLR9 to improve immune response, say researchers. They said people with sepsis, blood poisoning, it was known that at greater risk of death between 2:00 and 6:00. When test mice, the severity of sepsis depends on time of day early infection and coincided with changes in TLR9 activity. Professor Erol Fikrig, who conducted research at Yale, said that they found a direct relationship between molecular circadian rhythms and the immune system that may be important for the prevention and treatment of diseases. He added: It seems that a violation of circadian hours affect our susceptibility to pathogens. Dr. Reddy Akhilesh, which explores the circadian rhythms in Cambridge, said it was known long ago that time was the effect on the immune system, but it was one of the first forays into the causes. Implications for health care may mean that drugs should be given at certain times of day in order to make them more effective, or drugs can be made that actually focused on biological clock put on the immune system in the most active phase. Dr. Reddy said the pharmaceutical companies are switching to this and now the selection of products at different times of day. He saw biological clock affect medicine for 10 years. .

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