Friday, February 24, 2012


diet immune system

True or False? Men rarely osteoporosis. False. Osteoporosis is often between people. Men over 50 are more likely to break a bone due to osteoporosis than they are to get prostate cancer. True or False? Weak bones caused by osteoporosis are just part of aging. False. People used to think that osteoporosis was an integral part of aging. As it turned out, however, osteoporosis is a disease you can do something. This can be prevented, detected and treated. Why is osteoporosis serious for men? One in four men over age 50 will break bones because of osteoporosis. The problem with osteoporosis is not only broken bones. The problem is that when you are older lasix 60 mg, serious fracture. It often starts downward spiral of pain, disability, deformity and loss of independence. Violation of the hip, for example, leads to real estate, which in turn can lead to isolation and health problems. Twenty percent of the elderly, hack hip die within one year. Many survivors will need long term care at home. It is reasonable to start protecting your bones when you're young. If you do not form enough bone, you may find yourself at a disadvantage when you're older, when many people lose bone faster than they do it. However, if you're older and you do not focus on bone health, do not worry about the bone you may have already lost. You never tooold to protect bones. But takeaction out. Once you start to lose bone density, it is difficult to build it again. What can I do to my bones? get enough calcium and vitamin D, and a well balanced diet.

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