Friday, February 24, 2012

If you suspect that you may have osteoporosis


What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis

is a condition characterized by weak and fragile bones. Osteoporosis is a term >> << describe lasix generic side effects porous.

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Sometimes the bones can become brittle so that the activities

, as bent, lifting a vacuum or coughing can lead to destruction. What causes osteoporosis

? In most cases,

, brittle and weak bones caused by low,

phosphorus and other minerals bones. What

symptoms of osteoporosis? In

in the early stages of osteoporosis, symptoms may not be visible. However, bones continue to weaken

Some of the symptoms: >> << Loss of height over time, with accompanying

slouch fracture of the spine, wrist, hip and other

bones bones

Force Strength of bones depends on their mass and density. Bone density in part

depends on the amount of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals bones contain. When your bones contain less mineral, their strength decreases. Activities such as,, and

improve bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The risks of osteoporosis

your risk of developing osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass you attained between ages 25 and

35 (peak bone mass) and how quickly you lose it later. The higher your

peak bone mass, the more bone you have in the bank, and the less likely

You'll have to develop osteoporosis as you lose bone during normal aging. Some medications can cause osteoporosis. You have >> << type >>

<< or family history of osteoporosis. You

experienced before. As

be found osteoporosis? Osteoporosis >> << can be detected by bone density tests. Bone density tests can measure bone density

in different areas. If you suspect that you may have osteoporosis,

contact your doctor to perform a bone density test. What >> << complication of osteoporosis? Some

the most common complications: fractures of the spine, wrist, hip fractures, and compression

your spine (leading to loss of height or slouch)

The most frequent and serious complication of osteoporosis. Treatment Options for Osteoporosis

Your doctor can give you a complete list of treatment options that are considering

your needs. Osteoporosis statistics

It is estimated that one in two women over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fractures. Osteoporosis

threatens 28 million Americans and is now one of the most under diagnosed

and disorders treated by inches

National Osteoporosis Foundation, when a woman reaches 60 years of age, she

has one chance out of four fracture due to osteoporosis. In

United States is estimated to osteoporosis is greater than 1. 5

million fractures annually. .

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