Friday, February 24, 2012

Many men and women whom we spoke were ...

Medical factors that significantly increase the risk of osteoporosis people are: premature menopause (45 years), corticosteroids, presence of fractures in the history of fragility, low weight and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation to menopause). Thyroid cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, low testosterone levels in men and conditions that affect digestion, such as Crohn's or celiac disease are also risk factors for osteoporosis. ,

Other diseases include: endocrine diseases, kidney disease, liver disease and obstructive lung disease. Myeloma is a cancer that is often associated with rapid destruction of bone that leads to osteoporosis. Some commonly used drugs were also associated with increased risk of fracture: No epilepsy drug, breast cancer treatments such as aromatase inhibitors, selective absorption

- serotonin receptor inhibitors (group antidepressants), thiazide diuretics (a common treatment for high blood 'WOODY pressure) and probably proton pump inhibitors (commonly used to treat heartburn and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum). Lifestyle factors including diet (calcium and vitamin D deficiency), alcohol (more than 3 units lasix 16 mg per day), smoking and properties (physical activity). In his diagnosis, most people do not know what could cause them to osteoporosis.10 facts about the immune system Many understand that it may be hereditary, but most are not aware of many other factors that may cause bone loss leading to osteoporosis. You talk about what they think and what their doctors told about the risk factors associated with osteoporosis. Many men and women whom we spoke were confident that they have inherited osteoporosis from their mothers and maternal grandmothers were diagnosed with the disease. But not everyone was convinced. Several older people said they are confident that their mother had osteoporosis, because there was a time when few people were aware of osteoporosis, or they just werent diagnosed with it. Some said that in the past, people tend to explain the loss of height and of widows hump rounding the spine to old age, not osteoporosis. .

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